Everyone is well settled back into school and the activities for the term have begun.
Irish dancing takes place on Mondays and every class has a session. There is great dance movement and the class is a great way to start the week.
Sciath na Scol football is up and running with a match each week. The time to prepare for the matches was very limited but the girls are really giving it their best, and getting great exercise as well.
Breakfast Club is in the hall every morning with a selection of breakfast items available for everyone to chose from. It is really important to start the day with breakfast as it is really difficult to study on an empty stomach.
Tennis classes will resume soon. The girls are eagerly awaiting the start of these classes.
Music classes will resume shortly with our concert flute, percussion and trumpet teachers making a welcome return. Third class will begin learning recorders.
Choir has resumed on Fridays. The girls have beautiful sweet voices and do every song they sing justice. We look forward to lovely singing at our Christmas Concert.